Sat 16 April: Now You Know Brian Nisbet 7pm FREE!
An evening of live music and poetry to commemorate the publication of NOW YOU KNOW, a book of life-tingling new poems by Brian Nisbet. With Rachel Godsill (soprano) Emily White (trombone) Philippa Mo (violin) and Rachel Stott (viola). They will perform song settings of Brian Nisbet, Emily Bronte, Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allen Poe and Stevie Smith by composers Howard Skempton, Sally Beamish, Amanda Dean and Rachel Stott. Published in April 2015, a month before his death at 56 from a rare neurological disorder, Brian Nisbet’s collection of 25 poems is a wry, joyous and insightful celebration of life in all its colours. Characterised by a passion for language, generosity of spirit, and courage, this poetry never shies away from addressing the limiting effects of increasing physical incapacity, nor contemplation of a life lived with the knowledge of impending death. Admission is free but space is limited so please email to reserve a place.