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SKU: 9781785784903
Women in Saudi Arabia are now allowed to drive; we're starting to see women of all sizes in our magazines; and historic sexual abuse cases are making headlines and causing change. Do we still need feminism? What does it mean to be a feminist anyway? In this unique, illustrated introduction, Cathia Jenainati and Judy Groves help us to explore these questions, on a tour of the history of conscious struggle against sexist oppression - from 16th-century challenges to the idea of women as weak and irrational to 19th- and 20th-century 'waves' of feminism and suffrage movements, to present-day conversations about MeToo, black feminism, and women's rights in the Middle East.
  • Pub Date

  • Format

  • Author

    Jenainati, Cathia
  • Publisher

    Icon Books
  • Dimensions

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